The great universities are the bastions of Masculine thought. The Feminine has its own way of thinking. I’m not talking about intuition, I’m talking about the mind and the brain and body.
So, in the body is Wisdom, the Wisdom of Instinct. When we reflect on this, all sorts of new solutions to problems come in. In esoteric teaching the Feminine is the Holy Spirit, Divine Mind. If you listen to your soul you can hear what She’s saying. The lack of Feminine sanity in the world drives people mad. ‘Being Feminine’ what does that mean? It means I have a different language and values. I believe that behind d every being there is soul, that we are all part of one being. That people don’t come first. It’s the Path of Kindness and Right Relationship to all life.
The Feminine has always been here. It’s the intention of the Mother that we should all live in peace. Women have to find their Feminine feet and teach men what is right. That in this next stage, the soul level of relationship to all beings, we do not kill, or frighten or do horrible things to other living creatures. We just don’t. Then the unnecessary sorrow will stop. This is the job of women, to stand for the soul and the body so that sanity can become a part of everyday life and no being has to live in fear. Life is challenging but as women find their voice and integrity a new sanity will come to the Earth.
@ Margi Ross Oct 2018