We must always include experience.
Imagine how many lives could have been saved if the experience of doctors and nurses working in the Covid front line had been included in Government decisions in Britain. Imagine how much suffering...
Defusing the bomb of the instincts
One of our jobs as conscious people who serve the Feminine is what I call 'defusing the bomb of the instincts'. This is how we do it: By integrating and including the reality of earth and water, ...
Standing up for the Feminine side of the Divine.
In a Masculine society only the Masculine is allowed. I just heard how the Sudan has banned FGM, the most extreme kind. In many cultures marriage is the most important thing for a woman because it...
Treat the bodies of all beings kindly..
One aspect of the Feminine is love and relationship or relatedness. The other is earth and boundaries. People love the first bit and often hate the second. A request for a boundary is usually met by...
Moving onto the soul level with the Feminine.
We are not told that these Laws of the Mother are sacred, so we don’t always obey them. This creates chaos and mental confusion. So, what happens as we begin to have a consciousness of the Feminine?...
75 Years
I’ve been moved this week by the testimonies of the Auschwitz survivors and I cried for the animals and people who have burnt to death in the fires in Australia. No living being should ever burn to...
Are you a Daughter?
Are you someone who is trying to serve the Feminine on a soul level? In our culture, the soul is still seen in a way which equates it with something nebulous, or in psychology, with the anima. How...
You are not slow, you are in Feminine time!
There’s such a difference between Masculine and Feminine time! We can’t judge how things are going by comparing what we are doing with other people’s progress. One of the things that are missing in...